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ADAM AND EVE – Genesis 2:4-25

    Once upon a time, in the most beautiful garden you could ever imagine, there lived a man named Adam and a woman named Eve. This garden, called the Garden of Eden, was filled with all kinds of amazing plants, trees, and animals. Adam and Eve got to explore this wonderful place every day.

    Adam and Eve were the first people that God has created. God put them in the Garden of Eden and told them they could eat from any of the trees in the garden, except for one special tree called the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. God said that if they ate from that tree, they would be in big trouble.

    Now, Adam and Eve were very happy living in the garden, but one day, a sneaky snake came along and convinced Eve to eat the fruit from the forbidden tree. Eve then gave some of the fruit to Adam, and they both took a big bite. Uh oh!

    As soon as they ate the fruit, Adam and Eve realized they had done something very wrong. They felt guilty and tried to hide from God. But of course, God knew exactly what had happened. He wasn’t happy at all that they had disobeyed Him.

    As a result of their mistake, God had to punish Adam and Eve by making them leave the beautiful Garden of Eden. They could no longer live in that perfect place. From that day on, life became much harder for them, with difficulties and challenges they had never faced before.

    Even though Adam and Eve made a big mistake, God still loved them. The story of Adam and Eve teaches us that we should always obey God and not give in to temptation, even when it seems like a good idea at the time. It’s a lesson about making good choices and the consequences that can come from bad ones.

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